Fastestpro - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme Review: It is a clean, elegant and modern design multipurpose responsive premium Magento 2 theme for electronics, gadgets, digital product, clothes, fashion, apparel, boutique, gift, lingerie, books, fitness, bicycle, sports, organic food, dairy product, grocery, sunglasses, watches, jewelry, bag, wine, furniture, home decor and interior beautiful online store professional eCommerce website with 30+ niche homepage layouts, pre-designed inner pages and tons of amazing features. It is developed by Codazon one of the elite author on themeforest marketplace. This will be a smart choice for your next projects online presence and save both your time and money!
Try demo now to experience this awesomeness and to explore more features in this theme.
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Fastestpro - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme
Fastestpro - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme Review
Fastestpro - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme Features:
- Visual Page Builder
- Webkul Marketplace Compatibility
- Multiple pre-demos website (30+ Unique design)
- Multiple layouts and setting options for Category page, product page
- Mobile theme is optimized for mobile devices
- Include .PSD files, Please contact us to get .psd files after you purchased theme
- BLOG extension for Magento 2 from magefan.com
- Magento 2 Mega menu, Magento 2 Megamenu, Magento 2.4 Megamenu Drag & Drop
- Ajax cart pro
- Quick view
- Lookbook Professional Extension
- Shop by brand
- Profiles
- Portfolio
- Promo banners
- Social login
- Layered Navigation: Ajax, SEO, MultiSelect, Filter and search by rating
- Subcategory slider/list in category page.
- Infinite scroll in category page.
- Ajax compare and ajax wishlist
- OWL slider/OWL Slideshow
- Multiple Google fonts available & add custom font types
- Social Share with Share This
- Google rich snippets
- Multiple type and new design for homepage layouts: about us, services, login, register,checkout pages,...
- Full Responsive & Retina Ready
- Too easy to Install Sample Data
- Allow to configure Product Grid 2 to 8 Columns
- Show/hidden options in product page
- Facebook like box
- Latest twitter
- Popup newsletter
- Sticky menu
- Vertical megamenu
- Back to top button
- Price slider filter
- Support SEO
- Ajax load product loading
- Different product ratio
- Custom product tab
- Size chart in product view page: display content by cms page, cms block, product attribute, product attribute set.
- Up-sell slider
- Multiple effects loading element
- Cross browser and all platform
- Compatible all devices
- Validate W3C
- and more…
Multipurpose Responsive Premium Magento 2 Theme
Fastestpro - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme Coupon Discounts
There are currently no active Coupon or Discounts available. It does go on sale form time to time.
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