Horizillax is a unique horizontal parallax based single
page, responsive, WordPress theme. Horizillax can be used for any
business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc.
This theme is
perfect for creative designers, artists, photographers. It is very easy
to setup and use (just 4 simple steps).
Horizillax - Horizontal Parallax WordPress Theme
Horizillax - Horizontal Parallax WordPress Theme
- Twitter Bootstrap Framework
- One Page Design (easy to set up with page template)
- Ultra Responsive (option to switch on/off)
- Easy Setup and Installation
- Smooth Parallax Animation
- Unlimited Parallax images
- Options to set the position, stack order etc for each Parallax element
- Parallax on Mouse Move (option to switch on/off)
- Preloader (option to switch on/off)
- Option to show/hide contents
- Portfolio Content Type
- Custom Page Templates for Parallax, About, Portfolio
- Social Icons
- Custom Widgets for Recent Portfolio Items and Social Networks
- 4 Color Variations
- Detailed & Unlimited Color Options
- Advanced Theme Options Panel
- Clean, Fully commented Code
- Clean, Modern, Flat Design
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- Includes demo contents and illustrations used in the “live demo”
- Extensive Documentation
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