Including 101 PSD files, iMedica is probably the most comprehensive medical theme around.
It is best suited for personal medical blogs, hospitals, medical
centers, health centers, medical online shops, dentists, surgeons and
other type of health and medical related websites.
With custom widgets, different page templates, and a lot of shortcodes, doctor pages, medical services, appointment pages, timetable showing the working hours of a particular doctor and many more, iMedica is everything you need to run a health care website efficiently.
It also has a responsive design, which behaves really well in every screen size and it comes with wide and boxed layout – both fully responsive.
There are 15 different layouts just for homepage and a total of 101 page layouts including, services pages, about pages, team pages, departments pages, timetable or schedule pages, gallery and blog with different layouts together with single or more photos pages, contact pages and many more like some great features that you wouldn’t want to miss as a website owner – carousels, pricing lists, call to action boxes, customizable options panel, unlimited sidebars, appointment form, custom medical icons, latest tweets widgets and that’s just the beginning.
iMedica has all the functions that a medical theme needs.
iMedica - Flat, Responsive Medical and Health Theme (DEMO & DOWNLOAD)
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