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Jul 31, 2013

Lion - Responsive Admin Bootstrap Theme

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Lion - Responsive Admin Theme

Lion is a Responsive Admin Theme created with Twitter Bootstrap 2.1.1.

The main focus of Lion is bring an easy interface with the most important tasks that you can use in a standard dashboard. Most Admin themes have tons of buttons, multiple site navigations and sidebars.

Lion try to keep all in a simpler way. First of all, you can access to all the theme parts using the top navigation bar. We try to focus in what is really important and make a more freindly user exprience.
Download: Lion - Responsive Admin Bootstrap Theme
Key Features: 
  • Responsive Design, Based on Bootstrap 2.1.1, Clean & Easy Configuration, Uses Bootstrap Addons, Buttons, Labels, Badges, Tooltips, Forms, Alerts, Modals, Beautiful Charts using Highcharts Script, Calendar Script, File Manager Script, jQuery Validation Script, Notification Script (Noty.js), Data Table Script, prettyPhoto Script, 400+ Icons (Glyphicons & IcoMoon), Full CSS Price Table, and Much More...

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Lion - Responsive Admin Bootstrap Theme
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